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Each stage of production is driven by dedicated teams. These operate autonomously, guided by our culture of individual accountability. We would not be where we are today without the commitment and hard work of each and every team member.

The journey from farm to table involves several stages of which the most important is thorough preparation and planning. Precisely timing each task during production is essential to growing healthy and delicious potatoes.

Each stage of production is driven by dedicated teams. These operate autonomously, guided by our culture of individual accountability. We would not be where we are today without the commitment and hard work of each and every team member.

The journey from farm to table involves several stages of which the most important is thorough preparation and planning. Precisely timing each task during production is essential to growing healthy and delicious potatoes.


Once the soil bed has been prepared, planting can commence. Planting is a crucial part of growing any crop, and requires attention to detail. If done well, it provides each tuber with a fair chance of growing into a healthy mature plant.


Once the soil bed has been prepared, planting can commence. Planting is a crucial part of growing any crop, and requires attention to detail. If done well, it provides each tuber with a fair chance of growing into a healthy mature plant.


Once the soil bed has been prepared, planting can commence. Planting is a crucial part of growing any crop, and requires attention to detail. If done well, it provides each tuber with a fair chance of growing into a healthy mature plant.


During the growing phase, both water and fertilizer are applied via the centre pivot in small but frequent doses. This allows for uniform growth while minimizing the leaching of water and nutrients through the soil profile. An integrated pest management strategy is followed throughout the growing season.


During the growing phase, both water and fertilizer are applied via the centre pivot in small but frequent doses. This allows for uniform growth while minimizing the leaching of water and nutrients through the soil profile. An integrated pest management strategy is followed throughout the growing season.


During the growing phase, both water and fertilizer are applied via the centre pivot in small but frequent doses. This allows for uniform growth while minimizing the leaching of water and nutrients through the soil profile. An integrated pest management strategy is followed throughout the growing season.


During harvesting, potatoes are carefully lifted by mechanical harvesters and transported to the warehouse for packaging.


During harvesting, potatoes are carefully lifted by mechanical harvesters and transported to the warehouse for packaging.


During harvesting, potatoes are carefully lifted by mechanical harvesters and transported to the warehouse for packaging.


During the packaging process, potatoes are sorted based on size and quality. Whether you buy our first-grade large or second-grade smalls, you can trust that our teams have put in the effort to ensure you get the best possible value.


During the packaging process, potatoes are sorted based on size and quality. Whether you buy our first-grade large or second-grade smalls, you can trust that our teams have put in the effort to ensure you get the best possible value.


During the packaging process, potatoes are sorted based on size and quality. Whether you buy our first-grade large or second-grade smalls, you can trust that our teams have put in the effort to ensure you get the best possible value.